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October 24, 20234 min read

11 Things You Should Do Before Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car is often a good idea if you need a new way to get from A-B. It’s no secret that new cars depreciate really quickly, so buying a used car is often a better way to spend your money. However, it’s only a good way to spend your money if you’re going to look for the perfect car to suit your needs.

Look For Signs of Mechanical Problems

So, you’re test driving the car and you’re trying to get a feel for how it will fit in with your lifestyle and whether this is the right car for you. However, you should be looking out for any signs of mechanical problems at this point, too. Test driving the car is a great way to get a feel for any issues that could arise later down the line. Issues like overheating need to be ruled out before you agree to purchase the used vehicle. A good used car dealership should be completely transparent with you about any issues that are present, but it’s still up to you to keep an eye out for them.

Listen Up

As you continue on your test drive, turn off the radio. You want to make sure there aren’t any knocking or rumbling sounds as you start up the car and continue on your journey. Any suspicious sounds should be checked out and questioned.

Look At the Interior

Make sure the interior doesn’t have any obvious faults, like ripped material or leather. You’ll also want to make sure that the rubber of the brake, clutch, and accelerator is completely consistent with the age of the car. If something doesn’t look right, you should question it.

Ensure Battery Terminals Are Sound

You want to check the battery terminals to be sure that they are free of any build-up. If you’re unsure of what you’re looking for, it’s a good job to take somebody along with you to have a look and let you know if they feel something should be investigated further.

Keep An Eye on Body Colour

Make sure you keep a close eye on body colour as you check over the car. Even a slight change in colour at any point could mean that replacement work has taken place. This can mean that the car was involved in a crash that you have not been informed of. It’s something you should definitely be aware of before you agree to purchase a vehicle! You should also look for overspray on the inside of the body panels, as this is another clear indication that bodywork has taken place.

Look At the Tires

The tires should be in great condition before you agree to purchase the vehicle, and if they aren’t, then replacements should be available for you to purchase at a reasonable price. Replacement tires are expensive, so make sure that your budget will cover this before you agree to purchase the car. It’s also worth noting that tires that have uneven wear may indicate a bigger problem, and they are not easily fixed with tire-realignment machines. Have this checked over with the rest of the car before you agree to purchase.

Ensure There’s No Engine Damage

If there is smoke coming from the exhaust, this could be a sign that there is engine damage. The last thing you want to deal with after you have purchased your used car is engine damage! Make sure you don’t miss any telling signs like this as you carry out your test drive. No used car dealership should be selling a used vehicle with engine damage.

What If the Vehicle Has Been in A Crash?

If the vehicle you are looking at has been involved in a crash, this isn’t always a good reason to avoid buying the car. A small bump to the bumper might mean there was no structural damage, but you should also be happy that the damage caused was not significant before you buy. You do not want the wool pulled over your eyes. You should also make sure that you are being offered a vehicle at the right price if this is the case.

Insist On Seeing the Paperwork and Service Record

You might not be the insisting type, but you should always insist on seeing the car’s paperwork and service record before you purchase a vehicle. You will get a clear idea of the car’s history this way and know exactly how well it has been looked after.

Ask The Right Questions

If you’re looking at used cars from a used car dealership, then you need to make sure you’re selecting the right car for your needs. Use the above tips, and ask yourself the questions below:

Is my family likely to expand any time soon? How long do I want this car to last? What is my absolute maximum budget? How much will I pay on fuel/insurance/tax etc.? What will I mainly use the car for, work or leisure?

When you have answered the above questions, you should have a better idea of the size and type of used car you need.

Take Your Time to Make the Right Decision

When you’re looking for a high-quality used car, the last thing you want to do is rush your decision. Taking your time is key. It’s also worth noting that this list is simply a starting point for used car buyers, and not definitive. It’s always better to walk away from a deal so you can have some thinking space, rather than making a quick decision that you will soon regret. Also, make sure you know your budget and commit to sticking to it, no matter what. Don’t be convinced to spend more than you have available to you, as you will regret it later.

Kyle Senger

Written by Kyle Senger

Kyle is the VP of Marketing and has been a marketing executive for 18 years and has spent nearly a decade promoting anything with four wheels and a motor. Kyle stays on the cutting edge of automotive technology, researching the latest widgets and AI-generated tools to determine what drives car buyers and their purchasing trends.