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August 17, 20232 min read

When Are Car Loan Interest Rates the Lowest?

Have you been meaning to get a car loan in Canada? Have the unbelievable interest rates been discouraging you from doing exactly that? This article is here to best equip you with the information on when to attack when looking to apply for a car loan.

What Is A Car Loan?

A car loan is a type of loan that enables you to borrow from a lender to buy an automobile. You must repay the loan in specified payments whether it's monthly payments or bi-weekly over a certain period of time, and interest will be imposed on the borrowed amount.

Best Time To Take a Car Loan

Being on the lookout for when to take a car loan helps you not to incur too much interest and leave you dry by the time you will be done paying for it. You should consider these as the best times to get the best car loan, no matter what financial situation you might be in.

End Month

Car dealerships often set monthly quotas for their salesmen. This implies that if you are looking to take a car loan at the end of the month, you may have a higher chance of dealing with a salesman who is driven to make incentives to fulfill their target. The same is true after each fiscal quarter, so the end of March, June, September, and December might provide further chances. Although salespeople don't have full say over interest rates, if they are motivated to sell, they may negotiate a lower price on the vehicle, leading to less interest paid on the total amount borrowed.

During Holiday

Holidays are one of the best times to take advantage because that’s when lenders frequently offer promotional discounts, particularly on their new car ranges. This gives you the best rates when applying for car financing at lower interest rates when looking at the car loan calculator. Holiday loans are especially appealing since they allow you to compare discounts from numerous financial institutions in your region and use them to negotiate better rates.


Since most people aren't working on weekends, dealerships may be busy, and salesmen may have an easier job locating customers. This frequently implies you're less likely to be given a bargain by salespeople eager to raise their statistics. If you can go during the week, you might be able to save a good amount of money because the demand isn't as great.

New Year Models

Due to limited showroom space, new models must replace the previous year's vehicles. For example, if you've been eyeing a 2022 model car, waiting until the 2023 model arrives on the market can save you. You can also avoid higher interest rates on whichever auto financing loan amount. Many automakers announce their next models during summertime or early fall, but there is no uniform time of year to anticipate. You'll need to keep an eye on car news or contact your nearest dealership for details on when new versions will be available.

This ought to save you a lot of headaches when thinking about getting a car. A bad credit or credit history should not hinder you from getting a car, be it a new or used car. If an auto loan is not for you, you can consider taking a personal loan or even another financial institution like a bank.

Kasandra Martell

Written by Kasandra Martell

Kasandra is a marketing expert with a specialization in content development. With experience in multiple industries, she provides factual, entertaining, and engaging content for the automotive industry.